Sunday, 15 September 2013

Me for You ^-^

favorite cartoon,
lovable scrap frame,
 sweet words on love letter,
our classy photo album,

 and things i want to do with you; 

me for you :)

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Me and You ♥

Zoom In Face ^-^

Monday, 2 September 2013

Tengkyu @Lilmelshop ^-^

comfy lovey to wear..

tengkyu @Lilmelshop 


Grandpere-Grandmere ^-^


begitulah saya memanggil 2 tokoh kartun fenomenal yang bermain di film "Up" ini..

setia sampai tua dan mati..

kisah kartun romantis yg mengharukan dan lucu ini sangat menginspirasi..

sehingga gak heran kalo sering dijadiin tema pict love story :)


"apology means you value your relationship than your ego"

" we come to love not by finding a perfect person, 

but by learning to love imperfect person perfectly"


Goldie Littman in My Stuffs ^-^

one step closer ^-^

have died everyday just for waiting this moment...


thanks for a lot of prays mom and dad..

i hope i'll be right your side, as soon as possible..

one step closer..
