Wednesday, 20 February 2013

My Shawl ^^

Chic in LV pinky-black tones shawl.. ^^

pinky shirt shawl ^^

Lolypop Elizabeth pink-bluesy shawl  ^^

Zebra Shawl ^^

Purple-Tosca Rainbow Shawl ^^ 

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Wallpaper ^-^

Jalan-jalan ^-^

Islamic Center Samarinda ^-^

Sungai Martapura ^-^

Monday, 11 February 2013

My Graduation on April'10 ^^

Bismillahirrohmaanirrohiim.. ^-^
from this moment.. my proffesion study has began..
 brain. bold. behave. beauty. 
keep moving on to be right doctor wherever i''ll be tomorrow ^^
Graduation Album ^^
proudly presents for my mom, dad, and my big famz.. love y'all :*

ready to be queen.. ups!
be doctor i mean, cute nice doctor for everyone whole onto the world ^^
right doctor wherever i'll be..  

Friday, 8 February 2013

Hijab Street Style ^^

Mirror ^^

Androgini Style ^^